Primary School

The project founded by Caroline Türk and Elif Dilek from Istanbul, is being developed by our Primary School eTwinning Club with the collaboration of our 4th grade Class teacher Beren Dölek.

The project is an international project with the participation of 21 teachers and students from 8 different countries.

The project is based on the principle of learning while having fun and ensures digital media literacy, suggesting one game and one Web2.0 tool a month. It aims that our students develop logical thinking, reasoning, questioning skills and see the traditional curriculum topics through a different perspective.

As our club counts with an English and a Class teacher, the students benefit from a multidisciplinary approach, integrating our curricular activities to our project based tasks. The teachers join monthly meetings to brainstorm the best ways to integrate the games into the curriculum of each partner school.

So far, we have designed and made versions of Sudoku, Skippity, TacTix, prepared calendars using the graphical design platform Canva, joined the Code Week, joined a Webinar with a Mind and Intelligence Games expert from Istanbul, created a collaborative New Year Tangram Tree, created avatars and a comic story, a word cloud, created and played WordWall games… and we are only half-way to the end of the project!

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